Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Do Not Fear; He Will Help You

For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
Isaiah 41:13 (NIV)

It took me a long time to realize that I wasn't alone. I mean, I always knew I had my mom and dad, Michael... my entire family, but yet many times weakness would hit, the "this is too hard" mentality would take over. The "I can't do it" syndrome would strike, and believe me, it would knock me down hard. Then, through many trials, many tears, many frusterations... I realized... I am not alone... I am never alone...

He, my God...
 is with me...
He holds my hand...
and He helps me.

As I teach my class... He helps me.
As I raise my daughter... He helps me.
As I strive to be a good wife... He helps me.
As I strive to be a good daughter, sister, niece, aunt and friend... He helps me.
As I work towards goals... He helps me.
As I completed my first half-marathon... He helped me.
As I lift more weight I ever thought possible... He helps me.
As I continue to reach for what many think as impossible... He will help me... when I get weak and grow tired... He will help me...

He will always help me... because I am worth it to Him... and His greatest desire is for me to be worth it to myself... We are all worth it.  So need to be scared...

Believe that.

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