Friday, July 2, 2010

My Thoughts as "Jayda's Mommy"


Dear Jayda,

I have many titles in my life, I’m known as Myra, Mrs. Hough, Mrs., Ms. Rodriguez, etc… but being known as “Jayda’s Mommy” has brought me the most pride. I am so proud to be your mommy. It has been the greatest honor that I have ever received. I LOVE it when random people come up to me and ask me “are you Jayda’s mommy?” I think my face lights up-no, I know it lights up! I proudly respond “YES”!

I am sitting here in tears as I type this. Tears of joy of course, but tears nonetheless. I don’t think it is possible to love you more than I do right now, but everyday it seems like the love does get bigger, everyday you find a way to amaze me more.

Silly. Confident. Stubborn. Dramatic. Artistic. Life of the party. Talkative. People flock towards you. I love that about you. Did I mention that you are stubborn? Ha! Daddy says you are four generations in one… Great-grandma Jesusita (who I believe had a lot to do with you being here with me now- she talked to God directly to make that happen and I believe with all my heart she held you before I did, before you were sent to me), Great Grandma Cuqui and Grandma Mari – and anyone that knows these three women, knows that being like them is NOT a bad thing… it is great actually! And o f course me being the 4th generation in you. I guess I can admit the stubbornness comes from the four of us…haha! But being stubborn can take you a long way baby!

There are days that I lose myself in your eyes and wonder how you became the person you are today. Are you really my daughter? Bubbly, boisterous, and beautiful. I am so grateful for who you are. I am envious of your passion for life, your confidence, your ambitions. You have taught me so many great things and opened up my eyes to a new world. You make my heart sing out loud when I look in the rear view mirror of the car. I see you break out in song as your limbs start dancing and I smile at your honesty. You are always happy. You can’t hear music without dancing – it is just in you!


You are my world Jayda. I love listening to the conversations that you have with your imaginary friends (yes, you still have them) and I hear you repeat things to them that we are always saying to you. At least that proves to us that you do hear us when at times it seems like you don’t. My favorite “conversation” was when you were telling one of them “You have to graduate from college”… ahhh, that brought such joy to me! I hope that we are instilling that in you, although it seems so far away I want you to have that thought in you. You see, you were born into a family that takes education seriously, we take pride in that. That is important baby.

I love seeing the pride in your eyes when you tell your friends that I am your mommy, that is one of the best feelings in the world for me (besides your hugs and kisses). I love how you embrace my differences. You don’t care that you r mommy can’t run or jump like the other mommies, you accepted that with such bravery. Thank you baby, thank you. That has meant so much to me. I remember this past year walking into your class and you stood up and loudly exclaimed, “Hey guys, this is MY mommy. She has a leg that doesn’t work right. I have a book about it.” I fought my tears back at that moment, not out of sadness baby, but out of pride! I was so proud of you for doing that. For showing me that you LOVED me being your mommy no matter what. Again, thank you!

I love how understanding you are when I take you somewhere and we have “our talk”, when I tell you “daddy isn’t with us here so you need to stay right by me, ok?” and you nod with understanding. I ask you “do you understand?” and you reply with “yes, because you can’t run after me.” I just simply love you.

You have taught me so much baby. So much.

You are “mi pequena traviesa” (my mischievous little girl –don’t change!). Happy 5th birthday my love!

Love always,

Your biggest fan- Mommy
A.K.A Jayda’s Mommy

P.S.  I know it's early for your birthday, but we are heading out to meet Sleeping Beauty (oh how you have studied her in preparation for this trip) and I wanted to have this up before our July adventure begins! 


stacey said...

Such a beautiful letter for Jayda to treasure always. It made me cry. Happy birthday beautiful princess.

TheNotSoGirlyGirl said...

soo cute!

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