Monday, April 4, 2011

My "Why"...

I had already read the book, So Long, Insecurity by Beth Moore, but something got me to re-read it. And I am learning so much more this second time around… the following caught my attention because it seems to be an answer to my question of “why did you make me this way God?” All the ideas that have started floating in my head recently are God’s callings for me… my purpose… my “why”…

Here is the excerpt from the book that truly spoke to me… or rather… here is the message that God spoke to me…

Personal Limitations:

Attitude is everything when it comes to limitations, and the way you view yourself will acutley shape how others view you. Nothing is more impressinve than a person who is secure in the unique way God made her.

Here Beth Moore speaks about a man she met who produced ove a hundred biblical video series and traveled ALL over- up Mount of Olives and down the streets of Old Jerusalem and across a boat ramp to Greece, Turkey… all from his wheelchair.

She says “his mind and vision went as far and wide as they did because his body was trapped in that chair. His disability was his freedom…. His wheelchair took him somewhere the strongest legs never could have carried him."

God can bring freedom and vision to your life because of those limitations that you would have never discovered without them. You can let your limitations make you either insecure or unstoppable.

I'm hoping to accomplish BIG things... If it is His will... they WILL happen! 

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